NMS and Inspection – A Refresher for Medical Staff


Venue: Zoom (online) Audience: Healthcare professionals and medical providers Course outline  This update reflects on any changes to the NMS relating to the medical/health centre and health/wellbeing provision, and discusses...

Group Supervision


Venue: Zoom (online) Clinical supervision is a regular and formal process allowing clinicians structured time to receive reflective and practice-based support. It is facilitated by a clinical supervisor with the...

HIEDA/BSA – New to the role: school nurses


Venue: Zoom (online) - seminar Audience: This seminar is suitable for practitioners working with boarding students and in residential care/accommodation settings. Course outline:  This virtual seminar is an introduction for...

HIEDA/BSA – Leading a Nursing team


Venue: Zoom (online) - day seminar Audience: This seminar is suitable for Nurses with additional management responsibilities of a wider nursing/healthcare team within a wider school or education group Course...

Neurodiversity – the role of the Health Centre


Venue: Zoom (online) - seminar Audience: Pastoral Leaders, School Nurses Course outline Guest Speaker Elizabeth Dytham, experienced SENCO with many years’ experience supporting young people with additional learning needs in...

PSHEE/RSE and the role of the School Nurse


Venue: Zoom (online) - seminar Audience: Healthcare professionals, medical providers who have a responsibility of teaching PSHE and SRE (sex and relationship education) in the education setting, and any other...

Safe Management of Medications in Schools


Venue: Online - Zoom Audience This training day is designed for pastoral and medical staff in boarding schools, who have responsibilities for managing and / or administering medicines for pupils...