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Sacpa/Hieda – Level 3 Certificate: Safeguarding for School Nurses and School Nurse Designated Safeguarding Leads

Monday 20 February, 09:00 - 16:45


  • Date: 20 February 2023 
  • Time: 09:00 – 16:45 
  • Venue: Zoom (online)  

Audience: All clinical staff working with children, young people and/or their parents/ carers and/or any adult who could pose a risk to children who could potentially contribute to assessing, planning, intervening and/ or evaluating the needs of a child or young person and/or parenting capacity (regardless of whether there have been previously identified child protection/safeguarding concerns or not)

Course outline

This one-day certificate programme is based upon the learning outcomes for level 3 health workers detailed within the most recent Intercollegiate document 2019. Content also links with Annex C of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022 detailing role and responsibilities of Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.

Case study and practical learning examples are based on specific clinical practice examples and dilemmas and reference to specialist health evidence-base relevant to the role of the school nurse. This certificate programme is suitable for school nurses working in a range of education settings including state, independent, international, and boarding contexts.

The programme is co-facilitated by health and safeguarding practitioners and has been specifically developed to certificate school nurses for level 3 safeguarding for clinicians as well as providing certification for those school nurses who also carry out the role of Designated or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead in education settings.

Training topics will include:

  • Leading safeguarding in health: the roles and responsibilities of the school nurse and designated safeguarding lead
  • Refresh of legal and regulatory frameworks, principles, and definitions
  • Safer organisations and a culture of listening to children
  • Vulnerable groups and the impact of trauma, SEND and vulnerability
  • Refresh of traditional safeguarding signs and indicators and overview of specific contemporary safeguarding concerns such as e-safety, FGM, domestic abuse, child-on-child, exploitation etc.
  • Multi-agency working with early help and statutory services
  • Keeping records and information sharing

Learning outcomes:

  • To be able to identify, drawing on professional and clinical expertise, possible signs of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, grooming and exploitation to support and/or commit acts of terrorism (known as radicalisation), FGM, modern slavery, gang and electronic media abuse using child and family-focused approach
  • To understand what constitutes child maltreatment including the effects of carer/ parental behaviour on children and young people
  • To know how to undertake, where appropriate, a risk and harm assessment
  • To know how to communicate effectively with children and young people, and to know how to ensure that they have the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting them as appropriate to their age and ability
  • To know how to contribute to, and make considered judgements about how to act to safeguard/protect a child or young person, including escalation as part of this process
  • To know how to contribute to/formulate and communicate effective management plans for children and young people who have been maltreated within a multidisciplinary approach and as related to role
  • To be able to demonstrate an understanding of the issues surrounding misdiagnosis in safeguarding/child protection
  • To know how to appropriately contribute to inter-agency assessments by gathering and sharing information, documenting concerns appropriately for safeguarding/ child protection and legal purposes, seeking professional guidance in report writing where required
  • To know how to participate in and chair peer review and multidisciplinary meetings as required
  • To be able to identify risk to the unborn child in the antenatal period as appropriate to role
  • To know how to assess training requirements and contribute to departmental updates where relevant to role. This can be undertaken in various ways, such as through audit, case discussion, peer review, and supervision and as a component of refresher training)
  • To know how to apply the lessons learnt from audit and serious case reviews/case management reviews/significant case reviews to improve practice
  • To know, as per role, how to advise others on appropriate information sharing
  • To know how to obtain support and help in situations where there are problems requiring further expertise and experience.


Claire Dan, Director of Safeguarding and Director, Sacpa

Claire is Director of Safeguarding at BSA Group and Director of Sacpa. Claire leads on the development of Sacpa, the provision of safeguarding advice and support to members and the development and delivery of CPD and safeguarding consultancy services across BSA Group. Claire is a safeguarding specialist with a background in education welfare, youth justice, and early help contexts which have involved a strong focus on diverse and collaborative multi-disciplinary teams and projects.  
Between 2006 and 2013 Claire was involved with Luton Safeguarding Children Board as a lead multi-agency safeguarding trainer, developing, and delivering single and multi-agency safeguarding training. Thereafter, Claire provided a range of safeguarding consultancypieces of safeguarding training, professional conduct, and review work on a freelance basis. 

Jane Graham, MSc, BSc, Dip Ed., R.S.C.N, BSA Group Director, Health and Wellbeing and Director, HIEDA

Trained at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, Jane has over 30 years of nursing background, 17 of which is in trauma and intensive care. Whilst in PICU, she had a number of different roles. Nine years of that included a role as a specialist retrieval nurse (CATS) that entailed travelling around the country to stabilize and bring back critically unstable children. To do this she learned advanced nursing and basic medical skills in resuscitation, all medical conditions, and trauma.

She went on to teach these skills to student nurses, qualified nurses and junior doctors as the Practice educator on intensive care. This role also involved lecturing regularly at South Bank University. She is a DSL for Safeguarding at an independent boarding School where she was is the Lead Nurse. On the back of setting up the school’s medical services, she set up a first aid training company Action + First Aid. She is a freelance instructor for Qualsafe an awarding body approved by the HSE. Jane is currently the director of health and wellbeing at the boarding schools association group and director of Hieda ( health in education association) that provides training, support, advice and guidance for schools and workplaces on all medical matters.

Jane is actively supporting these environments to raise the standard of medical provision in order to create a mentally and physical healthier environment and workforce.


  • Hieda/Sacpa Full Member Rate: £195 
  • Non-member Rate: £390* 

*If you would like to become a member and access discounted rates for Hieda CPD and events, please click here.



Monday 20 February
09:00 - 16:45


Health in Education Association
Safeguarding and Child Protection Association

