These objectives and functions are:
- Competent accountable performance (managerial function)
- Continuing CPD (development/formative function)
- Personal support (supportive function)
- Engaging the individual within the organisation (mediation function).
The focus is on the professional development of the supervisee rather than the client and is based on supervisee needs. Clinical supervision is most commonly used in health services for the support of nurses and is valuable for revalidation. It covers the following:
- Normative: managerial aspects concerning practice, learning and core mandatory training
- Formative: educational aspects: developing knowledge and skills in professional development and self-reflection
- Restorative: supportive aspects, including personal development, improving stress management and mitigating burnout.
Recommended content of sessions includes:
- Current supervisee concerns, worries
- Innovation/service development
- Professional issues
- Topical events
- New/changed policy and implications on practice
- New/updated learning from research
- Learning lessons from national reviews
Hieda offers supervision for nurses in two formats:
- 121 supervision (up to one hour):One-to-one supervision is widely used. Sessions are formally pre-arranged and take place in a confidential setting and protected place. As with all forms of supervision, developing people with a specific focus on achieving better outcomes for individuals who use services and their carers should be at the centre of the process.
- Group supervision (up to one hour):Group supervision is facilitator-led via a formal, prearranged process that is agreed by the supervisor and supervisees. The makeup of the group depends on the goals of the supervision. Group supervision is a complement to, rather than substitute for, one-to- one supervision, though it may reduce the frequency with which one-to-one supervision is needed. Group supervision involves the use of a group setting to enable members to reflect on their work. By pooling skills, experience and knowledge, the aim of the session is to improve the skills and capability of both individuals and the group. The goal of the session may be to solve problems, plan work and set priorities, learn from others or make decisions.
121 Supervision
- 1-1 1 hour online sessions: £100
- One supervision per half term then: £500 (6 sessions for price of 5)
- Small group (maximum 2 delegates) 1 hour online session: £100
- Larger group sessions available and price to be agreed according to need. Please fill in the form below or email us at
Open Group Supervision For 24/25 we are offering an open supervision of six one hour sessions throughout the year. The dates are:
- Session 1 – September 24, 2024
- Session 2 – November 26, 2024
- Session 3 – February 10, 2025
- Session 4 – March 24, 2025
- Session 5 – May 13, 2025
- Session 6 – June 30, 2025
- The cost per session is £75. The cost of all six booked in advance is £375 (a saving of £75).
Contracts for supervision can be tailored depending on your own individual needs and requirements and prices are available on application. For more information on supervision from Hieda, including costs, please fill in the form below or email us at